Classrooms Change for Covid

I lie awake in the middle of the night with my head spinning, my stomach nauseated, my heart beating quickly.... how am I going to do this? How will I connect with my students - we will all be in masks, 6 feet apart? Are they okay? Will they every work in groups again? What... Continue Reading →

Teacher Burnout Time

It is almost time for the holidays and there is no one more excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas break than me and all of the teachers out there. The days are shorter now. It is practically dark at 5 pm all across the U.S. and so by 6 pm, most of us are in our... Continue Reading →

Honoring Veterans

Today I wake up so thankful, honored, and blessed to be living in the United States of America. More importantly, I am truly humbled by the fact that the Veterans of our great nation have served and will continue to serve so that all of us can live free with rights that sometimes we all... Continue Reading →

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