Bending Without Breaking

Dealing with everyday life often leaves us feeling that we are on the brink, the brink of breaking, or maybe even a break down. Depending on how flexible you are, you might be able to bend. But like these rocks pictured above, can you bend enough so that you don't break? Arches National Park is... Continue Reading →

Seckers Go West Part 2 – Facing Fears

What are your biggest fears? Has a new fear ever crept up on you and surprised you? In part 1 of our trip out west I mentioned that I became more adventurous on this trip than IĀ imagined was possible. Do you see our truck pulling our camper up this giant mountain? We have a Dodge... Continue Reading →

Seckers Go West 2016 – Part 1

Recently, our family of four took a trip across our great nation visiting 17 states in 17 days. We left North Carolina on July 1st and then proceeded through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and then back through Tennessee and finally home... Continue Reading →

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