Finding the Beauty When Life Gets Ugly

I recently texted one of my best friends this message: “Life hates me right now.”

We all encounter those times, when you look at a beautiful sunset (like the one pictured above that I took on our last camping trip here in NC) and you snap the picture and walk away not really appreciating the beauty of it all.  When life is good, it is good and a beautiful sunset can easily be forgotten. It is common to take for granted the beautiful things in our lives when life is easy going and there are not obstacles in the way.

Recently, my family has faced many obstacles and bumps in the road. And although this is pretty normal – to fall on hard times – it still doesn’t make it any more fun or enjoyable when you are in the midst of the storm. Some of these obstacles have been trivial and some have been more serious. From my husband looking for a new job that is fulfilling and satisfying to everything seeming to break around us. Our vacuum broke, our pipe to the washing machine flooded our brand new hardwood floors, our washing machine then broke, and the grandfather clock I have inherited from my grandparents needs repair. Actually, we have many things in our home that need repair – including our floors which have been ripped up for two weeks now.

But all of these broken things are fixable. I have faith that eventually my husband will find the job that is best for him. Eventually the floors will be repaired, once the insurance company decides our new floor’s fate. The part for the broken washer will come in and be fixed, even though it may take a week. We can call the clock guy who helped rebuild the clock when it arrived from my grandparent’s home and he can get the clock working again. All of these broken things are just things. They can all be fixed in time. So it is important to keep that in focus and realize that I can still appreciate the beauty of life even though life has given me a lot of ugly problems to deal with.


In the past, I would have freaked out and really let all of these obstacles consume me and bring me to an ugly place. Well, I am not going to lie, when I first came home to my ripped up floors with 9 industrial fans and dehumidifiers in my living room and it sounded like a jet plane was taking off for 3 days  – I totally freaked out. We had to practically scream to be able to have a conversation with each other. Along with the fact that I was completely over stimulated and under prepared for the flood recovery process that was going on in my main living space. I had a good cry which my husband didn’t really understand but the ladies reading this will get it. Then I went and played Uno on the screened in porch with my kids. Life lesson here: Uno will bring you happiness when you beat your 9 year old and life is getting you down.

While in this ugly mess of problems in this beautiful life, I have not prayed that God will fix any of these broken things (the floors, the vacuum, the clock, the washer). Instead, I have prayed that God will fix me. That he will give me peace, strength, patience, and focus. I need Him to help me focus on the beauty around me. You see, there will always be something that needs to be fixed, but the beauty in this life will always outweigh the ugliness if I just learn to focus and appreciate the blessings I have.

Recently, a friend of mine was diagnosed with Cancer. Her prognosis is not clear and there are a lot of unanswered questions. In comparison to the ugliness she is feeling, enduring, and facing – I have nothing to complain about. I have a healthy, cancer free body. I have a loving, supportive husband. I have two amazing children who I get to be a mom to. I have family and friends who make me laugh, listen to me, and offer me a washing machine when mine doesn’t work. God has given me a beautiful life and all I have to do is appreciate the beauty.

In every ugly situation, something beautiful can prevail. When something breaks, it can be fixed. When couples face obstacles, they can grow stronger together. When children struggle, parents can show unconditional love. When cancer strikes, there can be healing. When someone is alone, friends can comfort. When the ugliness appears, we can focus on the beauty of this life.

Whatever ugly situation that you may face today or may be thrown at you, I pray you will be able to count on Him to show you the beauty of this life and let that beauty prevail.



2 thoughts on “Finding the Beauty When Life Gets Ugly

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  1. Stephanie. I’m so glad to see you writing through this phase. As I am reading this tears are pouring, then I realize that I’m crying for you. If anyone knows about an ugly phase in their life that would be me and to know that a friend is hurting just makes my heart hurt. But let me tell you one thing I have held tight to is that there is three things in life that matters #1 God loves me! #2 My husband loves me! #3 My family/friends love me! Therefore everything else is stuff, and a lot of times “ugly” stuff! When you get to that ugly stuff, then go back to #1!!!! I know Dennis and I don’t see you guys often enough but know you’re always in our thoughts and prayers, and if you need anything all you have to do is call! Love and Blessings, Kelly


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